News Injection - Archived
21/12/01 - embryo is here! I'm so happy! Wow, this song is very cool. It's slow and laidback, but not a ballad, the music is lovely and very Kaoru (^^) and Kyo sounds so wonderfully passionate and pained when he belts out the chorus. I've had it on repeat all day. *grin* The second track is a remix of the song ZOMBOID -- the original version of which hasn't yet been released! It's done by Kaoru, Toshiya and Shinya, and is really funky.. I can't wait to hear the original version. And track 3 is a remix of embryo by Kyo and Die which is hysterically funny and very cool. I can't explain.. go buy the single and hear it for yourself. ^_^
I've put up an mp3 of embryo, as well as the Japanese and romaji of the lyrics. I'll do a translation later when I have a bit more time. (What is it about Xmas that makes me so damn busy when I don't even celebrate it? >.<)
Oh, and I got my 2002 calendar too -- it's so cool! I do intend to try scanning it, but as I've said before, these calendars are huge and really difficult to scan, so who knows. ;^^
Dir en grey have finally announced the release date of their new album! Excited? I definately am. ^^ The album is called kisou, and will be released on January 30th, 2002. Get your pre-orders in! I just know it's going to be totally kick arse. ^_^28/11/01 - I wonder how long this compulsion will last. ^^ Well, true to my word, I got carried away updating my Gauze translations. So I've now also redone raison detre, 304 goushitsu, hakushi no sakura, and Cage. I think they're much better than before. ^^ I also updated the translation of the verse for tsumi to batsu, because the previous version I did sucked. ;^^ Enjoy!
27/11/01 - Wow, two updates in less than a week, must be something in the water. And it looks like I'm on a translation kick. ^^ Well, to be honest, I really disliked my previous translation of GARDEN, and I noticed some glaring errors in it recently. ;^^ So I decided to redo it. While I was at it, I also did a translation for aoi tsuki. The rest of MISSA is still a little.. bleh. so not yet.
I've also updated my translations for schwein no isu and yurameki; I did them so long ago, and I've learnt a lot since then. I intend to update the rest of my Gauze translations asap.. I just feel like I can do so much better. ;^_^
And, for Macabre, I finally put up the translation of Berry. (Was that long overdue or what?! I promised that over a year ago. >.<) Actually my only real problem with that had been the verse that went with it, so I finally just decided not to translate it.
While I was at it, I resorted all the Gauze and Macabre lyric pages so that those verses and pictures that go with them are on seperate pages. (So if you only want lyrics, you only get lyrics. ^^ But if you want to read the verse, it's still there. Besides, the previous layout was kind of messy.) Each verse page has the verse in Japanese and English. So the audrey, rasetsu koku, and egnirys cimredopyh +) an injection verses have English counterparts now. (For what it's worth. They're all pretty short. ^^)
Ah, I really feel like I've accomplished something. Even if it doesn't look like there's much more there. ^_^;25/11/01 - Yay, JESSICA is here! ^^ Actually, it arrived last week, but I've been a little busy so I haven't had a chance to update until now. JESSICA itself is a very pop-style song, very different from Dir en grey's usual style, and though I wasn't hugely fond of it at first, it's grown on me. Now I enjoy it as a change of pace. It's fun. ^^ So long as this is an exception, and not the norm, I don't mind. The b-side, though, 24ko cylinder -- damn, that song is so amazing! I've been listening to it over and over and over.. well, you get the idea. *grin* Wish it had been the single, not the b-side.
I've put up an mp3 of JESSICA for those of you who haven't heard it yet. Also, I've put up the lyrics for JESSICA and 24ko cylinder in Japanese, romaji and English.
I also -- finally! -- got my hands on Kyo's poetry book. What can I say except that the man is amazing. It's such a cool book, and the 4 track CD that came with it is fantastic! I'm intending to try and translate the poems in the book, but I expect that this will be a very long project, so bear with me.
I've decided not to put up mp3s of this CD. Sorry. ;^^ I did, however, type up the lyrics for all 4 songs on the CD in Japanese and romaji, and I did translations for two of them as well. I also scanned the cover of the CD; you'll find it under Kyo's section of the Magazine images, for lack of a better place to put it.
Also, I keep forgetting to mention, but Newgrave, an American goth magazine, published an interview with Dir en grey in English, the first ever! You should still be able to order a copy from their website.. at US$2.99 it's a bargain! I bought a copy (of course!) and I've scanned some images from it; you can find them in the Magazine images section.
The next single, entitled embryo, is due for release December 19th, so get your pre-orders in now! Also the 2002 calendar is available for pre-order at places like CD Japan.. it's meant to be shipping anytime now.
Also, a whole bunch of Dir en grey releases that were previously out of print -- singles, albums (like MISSA and Gauze) and even their videos and DVDs releases -- are seeing repressings this month! So if you thought you'd never get your hands on it, think again. Now is the time to start ordering. ^^ As a result of this, I've taken down most of my MISSA mp3s, since it's not so impossible to get anymore.
And finally, something I feel the need to say. I never thought to make this clear on my site earlier (too naive?) so I'm making a point of it now: the lyric translations on this site are done by me and belong to me. I do not want them up on other sites. Do not post them on your site. Oh, I don't care if you scrawl bits of them in your blog or whatever, but I don't want them up on other people's sites. I'm easygoing about everything else on this site, images, wallpapers, romaji, whatever, you can take them. But not my translations. Please.1/10/01 - welcome to Tattered Cloth mark 2: FILTH version! Well, the site's had the same design since I opened it over a year ago. I felt the need for something new. And I'm so in love with FILTH that I got a little inspired, especially after seeing the PV. ^^ So here we go! A new version of the site. What do you think? Is it better or worse than the previous? Well, either way, I had a lot of fun making it. ^^
(Oh, and if you haven't seen the PV yet, I suggest downloading WinMX and getting it from someone on there. That's where I got my copy. And damn, it is such a cool PV!)27/9/01 - I love FILTH! God, I love this single! Haven't stopped listening to it yet. It is /so/ damn amazingly cool. Both the title track and the 2nd track, gyakujou tannou keloid milk, are fantastic. Not to mention the kick arse remix of FILTH that Die and Toshiya did. It's times like these when I'm just so reminded of why Dir en grey are my favourite band. ^^
I've uploaded an mp3 of FILTH for those of you curious. Please feel free to request. If you want to hear the other two tracks, please buy the single.. buy the single regardless! It is /so/ worth it!
I've also put up the lyrics for FILTH and gyakujou tannou keloid milk -- Japanese and romaji for both and English for FILTH only so far. (The other is coming, give me a few days.) Kyo is such a sick bastard.. damn, I love him. ^_^
Also, I recently got ahold of the September issue of Arena 37C, so I've scanned in the really, really cool images of Dir en grey that were in there. There's two pics of each member, so check the individual member sections of the magazine pics. Kaoru-sama daisuki yo~~~
I'm currently trying to translate the interview that was in Arena.. it's pretty difficult for me, but very good practice. If I manage to complete it, rest assured I'll put it up at once. ^_^
And finally, more good news: there's two new Dir en grey releases on the way! A double set of singles.. the first is entitled JESSICA and will be released on November 14th, and the second (title still unknown) is due out some time in December. I'll keep you posted on any more info. Oh, and it seems there'll be a 2002 calendar, too! Yay! (One of these days I might take down my 2001 calendar and try scanning it, but.. damn, it's so big I don't know if I could manage it. ;^^)1/9/01 - my apologies for the lack of updates recently.. this year has so far been rather a stressful one for me. Let's hope next year is better. ^_~ Anyway, as mentioned an update or two ago, Dir en grey have recently released a tour documentary video (and DVD) just called Tour 00 >> 01 MACABRE and I finally got my copy of the DVD just a few days ago. And damn, I'm so, so happy! If you don't already have this, get it. It's just so wonderfully enjoyable to watch Dir en grey go through their tour, and see all their backstage antics and the things they do when they're not upholding their onstage personas. I love every second of it. ^v^
Also released at the same time as the DVD release was a new remix album entitled -kai-. This contains a remix by each of the members (Kyo's remix of [KR] Cube, Kaoru's myaku, Toshiya's taiyou no ao mix, and Die and Shinya's versions of ain't afraid to die) as well as remixes of eight other songs done by various people. It's quite an interesting album, with very much a dance, techno feel to it; if you've heard the remixes of Yurameki and Akuro no oka then you'll have an idea of the kind of mood the album has. I like it a lot as an interesting departure from Dir en grey's usual mood.. but I'm still much more looking forward to their rock-based music.
And speaking of which, a new single, Filth, is due for release September 12th. Of course I have mine already on order and should receive it within a week of that date.. I'll try and update once I get it. Rumour has it they're already working on a new album, and believe me, I can hardly wait.
Oh, and in the midst of all these new releases, Kyo has also released a poetry book! Cool or what? It was due for release yesterday, August 31st. It's entitled 'jigyaku, rensou furan Cinema' and also comes with a CD. Apparently it's limited edition and may be difficult to get ahold of; I'm trying to order a copy through my local Kinokuniya. *fingers crossed* It seems you can also order it from Amazon Japan, if you can figure out their website. I wish you all much luck trying to get it! (I just know it's going to be worth it -- it's Kyo, after all. ^^)
Now, my blathering aside, there are also actually updates to the site! ^^ Firstly, from my beloved DVD, I've taken just a few screenshots of some of my favourite moments, both gorgeous and silly. You can find them in the Images page, under the DVD section.
I've also put up a couple of tracks from -kai- to give you an idea of the overall style of the album, so check them out in the Music section, and feel free to request.. and if you like them, make sure you buy the album! ^_^
And finally, I have three new wallpapers up. Hope you all like. I also intend to make an mpeg of the bonus footage that was on the tour DVD (but not the video) whenever I have a chance.. so look for that also eventually. ^^25/6/01 - brief update. ^_^ Due (once again) to bandwidth overusage at my site, I'm now moving my mp3s elsewhere also. (sorry!) So these are following the movie files over to Streamload, and, as with the movie files, you'll have to request them. However, because they are smaller than 10mb, you don't need a paying account to download them. ^_^ And since Streamload is unlimited space, I've put back up all the mp3s I had before.. from MISSA, Gauze, Macabre, and also the live mp3s. Have fun.
I've also finally found all the fanwork hiding in my inbox, so there are now 4 new fanarts, 6 new wallpapers, and 1 new winamp skin. Thanks to everyone who's been submitting, and please, keep submitting stuff! I love it. ^_^
Oh yeah, almost forgot.. after some debate, it appears the correct name for track 7 of Gauze is tsumi to batsu, not mitsu to tsuba. The reason? Well, the kanji are actually written backwards in the track listing of Gauze, and if you read 'mitsu' backwards in Japanese, you get 'tsumi', and 'tsuba' becomes.. yep, 'batsu'. It's a nice little wordplay on Kyo's part, also, since while 'mitsu to tsuba' is simply 'honey and saliva', 'tsumi to batsu' means 'crime and punishment'. We love you Kyo. ^_^ Anyway, I've updated to reflect this in the lyrics section.18/6/01 - okay, so it was bound to happen. i-drive are closing their services as of June 18th. That's today. Which means all of the movie files I was hosting there will be there no longer. ;^^ Most of the free web hosting services seem to be vanishing of late.. I had a lot of trouble finding somewhere else. I've finally settled on Streamload. The only problem is that to download files larger than 10mb (which all the movies are) you have to be a member. I'm sorry for this, but I cannot find anywhere else. And monthly membership for the smallest account is only $4.95.. you can always get it for one month, download all the movies, and cancel it again. ^_^ If you have any suggestions for alternate hosting, though, please let me know. And please see the Media Misc page for information on how to get the movie files now.
I also have a few new images, from the Dir en grey trading card set -- and thank you so much Luthien for sending me some of my very own trading cards. ^v^ I have 10 altogether.. you'll find the pics scattered through the members pages of the 'Magazine/Photo' section. There's 6 Kaoru, 2 Kyo, 1 Toshiya, and 1 Shinya. (Sorry, Die, not my fault!)
Dir en grey have a new video/DVD release coming out! I'm so excited. ^_^ It's called TOUR 00>>01 MACABRE and apparently is kind of a documentary video. It starts with the concerts last year just before Kyo got sick, then follows on to the standing only tour, the resuming of the postponed tour, and the final concert at Budokan. There's live footage, rehearsals, backstage, on-the-road, and behind-the-scenes footage. Waaah! Sounds /so/ cool, ne? Well, the video is released July 25th, and the DVD August 22nd. Oh, and the DVD also has some extra footage from the Type of Deity tour in March/April 2000. As you can imagine, I'm getting the DVD.. worth that extra month of waiting.
Also, I have received some emails that some people downloaded the ain't afraid to die mpeg and couldn't get it to work. I was really surprised by this, as it worked on both mine and my flatmate's computers. However, from what I can tell, the program that I used to make it made it in to some sort of AVI format rather than MPEG as it was supposed to. So if you can't get it to work, try changing the extension to AVI and see if that helps. If that doesn't work, I'm sorry.. I don't know what else to do as I don't know a lot about movie files. However I've put up the original Quicktime file from now on, so no more hassles. ;^_^
Somewhere about the 22-25th of May, sent me a really cool fanart of Kaoru.. unfortunately, the next day, Netscape ate a lot of my mail for the three days previous and I lost it, including their name and email address. So if you sent me a Kaoru fanart then, please send it again, I really want to put it up!
(And yes, I will update the fanarts soon.. I've been superbusy of late, not to mention unwell, but I had to update about the i-drive stuff no later than today. ;^^)16/5/01 - my apologies for such a delay in updating... my real life has not been particularly good to me of late. ;^^
Since the last update, Dir en grey have released a new single, ain't afraid to die. It's another ballad, but much more in the zakuro vein than the taiyou no ao vein, thankfully. It's beautiful and I really, really like it! So I've uploaded it for you to take a listen to. I won't put up the remixes.. please buy the single to hear them. (Besides, I'm not all that fond of them.) I've also put up the Japanese, romaji, and translation for ain't afraid to die; the lyrics are lovely. And the single also came with the videoclip for it included on the CD.. cool, ne? Well, unfortunately it came in Quicktime format (which I don't like) so I've converted it to mpeg and uploaded it to i-drive. Check out the Media Misc page to download it. I adore it, it's got some beautiful imagery.
I've also taken down the 'other cool bands' section under links as most of my favourite other cool bands are now covered in much greater detail at my invasion dream site.
Sorry, not much else to note at the moment. I'm also broke and can't afford to buy magazines or anything for pics. Maybe more to come when life improves. ^_^
(p.s. to all the people who've sent me fanart, wallpapers, etc, gomen, I'm too tired to enter the mess that's my inbox and find them. I'll put them up soon as I can. Thanks for sending, ne.. ^^)22/2/01 - we've broken the 10,000 hit mark! Woo! I'm so proud! *does the MASK dance* Thank you so much to everyone for visiting! ^v^
Unfortunately, no major news to update with at the moment; this is a file-moving update, sorry. ^_^; Due to a ridiculously high amount of traffic at my webserver (which unfortunately, I have to pay for) I've had to make some decisions about what to keep up. So, I'm taking down most of the mp3 section.. I've removed the Macabre, Gauze, MISSA, and live mp3s. My apologies. I will keep up the other indies mp3s, and the remixes, as I think they are harder to come by.
Also, in order to save myself on bandwidth, I have moved the backstage movie across to i-drive for downloading. You don't need to have an account at i-drive to use it, and because I can host a lot there, I've put the other two movie files back up, also at i-drive. So, you can now download them from there.. please feel free to email me if you have any problems.
Finally, I have also finished my indies j-rock site, and I'm quite proud of it! I put a lot of work into it, and there's a lot of stuff up there. Please take time to visit it if you're interested in visual indies at all.. it's called invasion dream. Thanks!31/1/01 - sorry for taking so long.. being back in Australia sucks, and I'm super busy as well. ;^^ I've done a nice big update though, I've added an absolute ton of images for you.. so many that I had to totally reorganise the images pages which were getting out of control. ^_^ Scans from the most recent Arena 37c and Fool's Mate (check out Kyo's kakkoii new look! I love his new piercings!) and also scans of Die from Bidan, a men's fashion magazine, and Kyo from Kera, another fashion magazine. Also, in Japan they have these little stores that sell photos of famous people.. I picked out a whole lot of interesting Dir en grey ones that I liked, and tried to get ones I haven't seen before on the web. Plus I picked up the mousou toukaku geki video, which had a couple of postcards in it, and scanned those, and I also got the Dir en grey postcard book, so I scanned that too. (whew!) Hope I didn't forget anything!
I also typed up all the Japanese and romaji lyrics for MISSA, so I split up the lyrics page for easier navigating. And while I was at it, I did a translation for GARDEN, which seemed to be the easiest song from that album to translate. (Except for one line which nearly killed me. ;;^^) Enjoy! I want to translate the rest -- as well as finish Macabre! -- but time is really getting away from me lately. Wish me luck.
Now that I'm back I don't even know what to say about the Dir en grey concerts! *laugh* Except that they were amazing. I'm so glad I went, it was worth every second, and I'm dying to go back and see them again! Kyo has so much charisma and stage presence that it's almost unbelievable.. this tiny little bundle of pow! ^_^ Kaoru is more beautiful in person than in any photo, if you can believe that, and is so full of grace and style. He's truly unique. Toshiya is a hentai little boy and really knows how to tease the audience, and you can tell he loves to play. Die looks like he's having so much fun up there.. he did the right thing cutting his hair, and he looks like he's putting back on some of that weight he lost, thankfully. And Shinya is adorable Shinya, he hides behind the drumkit and doesn't interact much. Even when Kaoru and Die almost threw him into the audience, he still had that same expression.. ^_~ The music is just as good, if not better, live, because you can truly get into it, and since they're all such great musicians, they can perform like pros even while running wildly all over the stage. They did every song from Macabre except for the title track (I'm really sad about that, I would've loved to hear/see that live!) as well as several tracks from Gauze and some indies songs. Aoi Tsuki goes on for at least 10 minutes, and they always finish the evening with Zan, which also goes on for a really long time, and the crowd goes absolutely psycho for it. Most of the boys in the audience seem to go along just so they can go bonkers during Zan. ^_^ The fans are great, I really liked them, and the most dedicated thing I've ever seen is the crowd singing "Happy Birthday" for Die for 20 minutes straight during the first intermission. They didn't stop even once, and Die later said he heard them and was really touched.
If you want me to go into more detail, feel free to email me about it.. I'm just no good at writing reviews because I don't know where to start or finish. ;^^
Oh yeah, if you're interested in getting Dir en grey indies stuff, just about everything has been rereleased, so it should be much easier to get now! All the singles, plus MISSA, plus the videos are available again. The only video not rereleased is mousou kakugai geki. Also, only the normal version of kaede ~if trans~ has been rereleased, not the crystal box version. I didn't get any of the singles yet, but if you are interested in the videos, the product number for mousou toukaku geki is FWV-010 and the product number for kaede ~if trans~ is SK-002-V. Good luck! (One of these days I will make a discography page, I swear..)
Just for the record, at the moment I'm also working on an indies j-rock site, because I discovered so many cool bands while I was in Japan that I want to share with the world. ^_^ I don't know how long it will take (so little time lately!) but I'll let you know about it when I put it up.4/1/01 - I'm back! I got back from Japan today. And I'm dying to go back to Japan again already. ^_~ Waaaah! I love Japan. And Dir en grey were absolutely amazing. I have heaps of stuff to tell you and a ton of various pictures and magazines to scan and show you all but the plane was an overnighter, I barely slept, and I'm dying from lack of sleep right now. So please wait while I get myself back in order.
The actual reason I'm updating is because I've rather majorly gone over my transfer limit this month at my new hosting place and I think it's because of the mpegs I put up. The cost of covering the extra transfers that were done is going to kill my bank account, considering how much I just spent on j-rock in Japan (^_~) so until I can figure out what to do about it, I'm taking down the two extra mpegs I put up before I went away. I'll leave up the backstage one for the moment, but please be nice to my bandwidth. ;;^^ If you want to see a different mpeg, email me to request, and maybe I'll rotate or something depending on the number of requests I get.
I promise to update about Japan as soon as I can!