Welcome to a page devoted to fics of my own writing. I've been writing since I was a kid, and writing m/m romance and cyberpunk/post-apocalyptia since my late teens. Most of my fics are original fics, as I prefer to create my own worlds to play in, and most of the worlds I play in are 'science fantasy' type worlds. I occasionally dabble in fanfic as well. Hopefully you'll find stories here that interest you...
And I also happen to love comments. (^ ^) I share my stories because I love them; and I love to interact with people who get as much out of them as I put into them. If you like something that you've read here, please let me know.
Just as a warning, many of my fics feature or focus on male/male love and sex. So, if you're not interested in that, please do not read my fics! And if you're wondering why I refer to my stories as 'yaoi' rather than 'slash' or 'boy's love' or 'homoerotica', it's because yaoi is what got me hooked on writing these sort of stories, and yaoi is my main point of inspiration. I've gotta pay a little homage, at least. (^ ^)
I'm pleased and honoured to announce that my story Soul Searching is now available in print. You can find it in the Sigil II anthology, along with 8 other short stories in the yaoi vein by various authors. If you like homoerotica by women with a fantasy/sci-fi bent, I highly recommend this book! (And not just for my story -- the other stories in it are great too.) Please enjoy this book, and if you happen to like my contribution to it, I'd love to hear about it. (^ ^)
Update - 10th January, 2011
I have added three new stories to the 'original fic' page! These are all stories that I love and have put much effort into -- I hope that you will enjoy them.
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All fics © Cassiel Kelner. Do not steal, please!
All characters © their respective owners.
Real people © themselves.
No infringement intended! For entertainment purposes only.
Last updated: 10th January, 2011.
All fics © Cassiel Kelner. Do not steal, please!
All characters © their respective owners.
Real people © themselves.
No infringement intended! For entertainment purposes only.
Last updated: 10th January, 2011.