Welcome! This page is dedicated to SNK's amazing fighting game series, the Last Blade, also known as Gekka No Kenshi.
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SNK are best known for their King Of Fighters and Samurai Shodown fighting games, but while the Last Blade wasn't quite the arcade hit of its predecessors, it certainly blows them both away in terms of style and depth. (In my not so humble opinion. ^_^) I love KoF, yeah, and I love SS too, but the Last Blade is the series that I truly adore. If you love fighting games, this is what you've been waiting for, trust me. *grin* |
3/2/03 - First, I must apologise profusely for the extended downtime. Crysania.com has now moved to a new server with a higher bandwidth usage limit, and so all sites in the crysania.com domain will soon be back in action.
You may also have noticed that this site has not been updated in a very long time. I have no news to impart about Last Blade, and frankly, I haven't the time or energy to devote to this site that I once did. Therefore, I'm considering this site now closed for further updates. I intend for the site itself always be here -- I always have been and still am a huge fan of the Last Blade series, and of SNK's great games. But don't expect any more updates.
Despite this, please continue to enjoy the site, and keep on playing hard! ^_^

© 1998 - 2003 Cassiel Kelner.
Last updated: 3rd February, 2003.
All pictures © SNK and used without permission for entertainment purposes only.
Tons of thanks to Deuce, Kwaky, Hanzo, Ryan, Scott, Ivan, the guys at Game Infinity, Madman's Cafe, and of course SNK!