貴方は今    何処に居られるのでしょう
私の影は    壁に焼き付き
此の時代に    戦場の面影を残すでしょう
貴方は今    塵になり    私は今    灰になり
硝子の破片と    此の子の姿
蛍    命短し    百合    騒ぐ
今宵    黒い雨と赤い空

you, now    where are you
my shadow is    burned into the wall
in this time    traces of the battlefield will be left behind, perhaps
you, now    will become dust    I, now    will become ashes
with a splinter of glass    this child's figure
a firefly    lives short    lily    excited
this evening    black rain and red sky

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