
golovokrudzenie (goh-loh-voh-kroo-dzyeh-nee-eh)

Yeva Adam (yeh-vah ah-dam)

muchenie (moo-chyeh-nee-eh)

dzertva (dzyehrt-vah)

apostol (a-poh-stohl)

bog bol (bohg bohl)

roditsya (roh-dee-tsyah)

probovat (proh-boh-vyah-ts)

krov (kroh-v)

noll (nohll)

Lyrics - Kyo
Music - Dir en grey

This track is in Russian, and was romanised by Totchiko; she has also provided a pronunciation of each of the Russian words used, and so I've put these in the translation, directly next to each word, in brackets. Oh, and she also mentions that 'dz' is used in place of a character that sounds something like the g in genre, and 'oo' is like 'true'.

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