
Only on the surface now    I'm toying with you    you do not notice a thing
In minus (180 degrees celcius) frozen love

in taciturn you, with taciturn love, a taciturn discomfort
in taciturn me, with taciturn love, a taciturn scar

you are the eighteenth one    you didn't notice me    supported by kindness
this love made frozen

in quiet you, with quiet love, kill the quiet pleasure
in quiet me, with quiet love, quiet....

I cannot change, I cannot return, taciturn love
quietly, quietly, we two entangled

my inner heart's reticence, my inner heart's quiet, striking towards the heart
my inner heart's reticence, my inner heart's quiet, even if I try to toy with your heart

from sometime ago I had noticed you    but
to be only by your side is all I need

I held you close at the end
I don't know if this will become the end

Lyrics - Kyo
Music - Die

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